Myself essay writing
Paper Topics About Robots
Sunday, August 23, 2020
NAME: _______________________________________ Persuasive Unit Packet In this powerful exposition you will convince your peruser which of the accompanying innovations is generally significant (is the most important to humankind): 1. Power †from the light to the PC 2. Composing †the print machine, books, and education 3. Inoculation †immunizations against ailment 4. Present day Plumbing †the sink, latrine, shower You will compose a five section paper convincing your peruser to think like you. In this parcel are the apparatuses that will lead you to compose persuasively.This will be expected at different occasions and should be submitted with your last draft. Write in the due dates underneath as your educator lets you know: * Rough draft to the INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH due * Rough draft to the BODY PARAGRAPH 1 and 2 due * Rough draft to the COUNTER PARAGRAPH due * Rough draft of CONCLUDING PARAGRAPH due * PEER EDITED ROUGH DRAFT due * FINAL, TYPED DRAFT DUE ON Introduc tory Paragraph Worksheet In the space beneath compose your supposition on which innovation you believe is the most significant. Presently, give six projectiles with respect to why it’s the most significant: * Now consolidate these musings into an unfinished version of the theory: is the development on the grounds that (topic)(adjective) (reason #1/body 1) and (reason #2/body 2) Attention Grabber/Active Research A viable convincing article incorporates a snare or consideration grabber, for example, * Giving some fascinating data about your subject * Ask an intriguing inquiry * Quote somebody proficient about your point * Share an involvement with request to do these, you should examine your theme. Graph your exploration discoveries beneath: Fact| Source (site/book)| | Quote| | Question| |Choosing three of the methodologies above, and your examination, form every one into an allurement: 1. 2. 3. Next, have a companion audit these three and have him/her star and introductory whi ch one they like best. Early on Paragraph Rough Draft Now, consolidate your consideration grabber and postulation and compose an unpleasant early on passage. (utilize the model passage on the base as a model) Introductory Paragraph Example 1: Last year, our neighbors got a dingo. As a pup, this Australian wild pooch was inviting. When it was a half year old, however, the dingo was enormous and mean.After it assaulted our canine, Animal control needed to remove the dingo. Consider the possibility that our neighbors purchase an infant crocodile next. Extraordinary pets may be fascinating, yet they can likewise raise a great deal of ruckus. Individuals should think cautiously before purchasing abnormal pets since they don't generally consider how it develops, they become weary of them, and the pets can even convey outlandish sicknesses. (Compose Source, â€Å"Avoiding Exotic Pets†p. 225) THERE IS ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF AN INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH ON THE NEXT PAGE Introductory Paragra ph Example 2: The last ringer rings. It’s the most recent day of school, and summer has at long last come!For America’s understudies summer get-away methods more than two months without school, yet as of late numerous individuals are inquiring as to whether this over multi month break may be a factor in America’s declining training. In his most recent meetings, President Obama has spoken about his arrangement to improve training in America. He has examined the decrease in the training framework, and voiced worries about the capacity of American understudies to stay serious with countries like Japan. While Obama has talked about changes for a few territories of instruction, he has additionally proposed stretching the school year.Although expanding the school year is definitely not a fiercely well known thought, extending the school year will enable American understudies to turn out to be progressively serious by assisting with raising understudy accomplishment an d furnishing low-salary understudies with equivalent open doors for progress. Body Paragraph Research #1 Look back at your proposal. Compose the FIRST explanation you recorded why your creation is the best and compose it here: Now utilizing this as your guide, examine on predetermination. sandi. net some proof that demonstrates this case. Outline your discoveries beneath. Fact| Source (site/book)| | |Body Paragraph #1 Worksheet Write your subject sentence. This ought to present the primary explanation you recorded why your creation is the best (as written in your proposition on worksheet page 2). Model: One issue is that proprietors frequently don’t consider what will happen when the creature develops. TS: Now glance back at your Body Paragraph Research #1. On that page feature or circle the two best bits of proof that help your case (recorded previously). Name them An and B with B being your best (most grounded) bit of proof you have. Compose these in a total sentence below: Example: (CD/A) For instance, potbellied pigs are charming when they are close to nothing, yet they can be difficult to deal with later on. Your CD/A: Now, give the analysis (CM) for your solid subtleties (CD). Keep in mind, critique discloses to your peruser how the solid subtleties bolster your point sentence (TS) IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Model CM for CD/A: This reality demonstrates that responsibility for creatures turns out to be progressively troublesome as the creature develops. Your CM: Your CD/B: Example: (CD/B) According to World Book Online, pigs may turn over furnishings or uncover the lawn searching for something to eat.Now, give the critique (CM) for your solid subtleties (CD). Keep in mind, critique discloses to your peruser how the solid subtleties bolster your point sentence (TS) IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Model CM for CD/B: This plainly demonstrates responsibility for creatures turns out to be progressively troublesome as the creature develops. Your CM: Lastly, you will end this body section with a closing sentence which will change into reason number two that bolsters your subject (the subsequent explanation recorded in your theory). Model: actually, at times proprietors become so overpowered with their esponsibilities that they take the extreme measure to part with their pet. Your CL: Body Paragraph #1 Rough Draft Below, this is a case of a body section: One issue is that proprietors frequently don’t consider what will happen when the creature develops (TS). For instance, potbellied pigs are charming when they’re little, yet they can be difficult to deal with later on (CD1). This reality shows that colorful creatures can develop into a potential perilous issue. (CM) According to World Book Online, pigs may turn over furnishings or uncover the patio searching for something to eat (CD2).This obviously demonstrates that responsibility for creatures turns out to be progressively troublesome as the creature develops (CM). Truth be told, now and a gain proprietors become so overpowered with their obligations that they take the uncommon measure to part with their pet (CL). Underneath, this is a case of another first body section: as of late, American understudies have started to fall behind their universal friends. For instance, President Obama has refered to the way that in the United States, â€Å"8th Grade educational program is multi year behind contending countries. †If the United States would like to stay a force to be reckoned with, it is significant that we find a way to raise our instruction standards.In request to raise our educational plan and hold our understudies to better expectations a more extended school year is important. Moreover, Obama expressed that 33% of 13-multi year-olds in America are not perusing at grade level. These realities obviously show a gigantic issue inside the U. S. instructive framework. The capacity to peruse at a proper level is basic to progress and comprehension in school and l ife. Our instructive framework is confronted with the activity of setting up this nations youth for the future, and unmistakably our understudies are not building up the essential skills.Finally, the US math score on the PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) test was a 487 which is underneath the global normal of 496. With the advances being made in innovation and science it is essential that American understudy have a solid comprehension of math and science principals. While different nations appear to exceed expectations in these subjects it is unsuitable for US understudy to score underneath the worldwide normal. For a long time the US has been a worldwide superpower. So as to stay a superpower, The US must find a way to improve instruction and prevent our understudies from falling behind.ON THE NEXT PAGE YOU WILL WRITE YOUR BODY PARAGRAPH ROUGH DRAFT Now, join your work from PAGES 6 and 7 and compose your first harsh body section. (utilize the model passages on pag e 7 as a model) Body Paragraph Research #2 Look back at your proposal. Compose the SECOND explanation you recorded why your innovation is the best and compose it here: Now utilizing this as your guide, inquire about on predetermination. sandi. net some proof that demonstrates this case. Outline your discoveries beneath. Fact| Source (site/book)| | Body Paragraph #2 Worksheet Write your point sentence.This ought to present the second (and most grounded) reason you recorded why your innovation is the best (as written in your theory on worksheet page 2). Model: The most difficult issue is that proprietors who become sick of their colorful pets experience difficulty finding new homes for them. TS: Now glance back at your Body Paragraph Research #2. On that page feature or circle the two best bits of proof that help your case (recorded previously). Name them An and B with B being your best (most grounded) bit of proof you have. Keep in touch with one out of a total sentence beneath: Exam ple: (CD/An) Often, covers can't take these pets, so proprietors turn them loose.CD/A: Now, give the analysis (CM) for your solid detail (CD). Keep in mind, critique discloses to your peruser how the solid subtleties bolster your subject sentence (TS) IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Model: This model shows how overpowering claiming a colorful pet can be. CM: CD/B: (CD/B) According to the San Diego Tribune, when a lady in Florida ventured into her bloom garden, a tropical snake that had been turned free by a neighbor assaulted her. Presently, give the critique (CM) for your solid detail (CD). Keep in mind, editorial discloses to your
Friday, August 21, 2020
E-Business. Classification, Development And Implications Of E-Business Essay
E-Business. Order, Development And Implications Of E-Business On Modern Organizations - Essay Example The worldwide data framework filled in as the establishment for new techniques for individual cooperation, correspondence, exchange and this has hugely changed the manner in which individuals worked together. From the mid 1990s, worldwide systems administration stage developed quickly until 2000 and has begun giving significant indications of examples of overcoming adversity of numerous global organizations by 2003 (Schneider, 2011, p. 4). Inside only not many years after the mid 1990s, the web based business has become a bigger piece of the all out economy. Electronic Business, by and large named as E-business, is one of the most significant angles to rise up out of the web. E-business is more than another approach to continue and improve the customary strategic policies. A large portion of the analysts featured the progressive parts of e-business selection and its positive effects on human life while some others proposed that e-business is a sort of troublesome advancement as it profoundly changes the conventional method of doing business. E-promoting, E-banking, E-learning, E-government and so on are other significant advancement created with the utilization of web innovation. This paper gives definite responses to the inquiries what is E-business and how can it matter to an association. In light of pertinent literary works, this paper looks at the hypothetical viewpoints of e-business and depicts its general effects on a business association. This paper will concentrate on the field of e-showcasing and looks at how e-promoting is imp acting today’s business and advertising fields. E-business The terms E-trade and E-business are regularly utilized reciprocally, yet they are unmistakable ideas. Web based business is a term used to depict the way toward executing business over the web, however E-business includes the essential reengineering of the plan of action in to the web based organized venture. All the more explicitly, web based business is smaller as in it alludes just to the purchasing and selling of merchandise or administrations by utilizing web innovation, though E-business represents all business exercises, including both inner and outside, that are directed on the web. E-business depicts the data framework and application utilizing the web to help and complete business forms. As Bartels (2000) noted, to be quite certain about the distinction, E-business incorporates E-trade, yet additionally covers organization’s inner exercises, for example, producing, stock administration, financing, hu man asset the executives, information the board and so on. With E-business, organizations can interface its interior and outer exercises successfully to work all the more intimately with various partners, for example, providers, accomplices, and clients and so on to fulfill customers’ needs. Grefen (2010) firmly contended that essentially three models are to be met to call a blend of business exercises and data innovation e-business. These three measures are: 1-The business exercises must be center exercises. The exercises must be straightforwardly identified with the explanation of the presence of the business. 2-The utilization of data techn
Monday, July 6, 2020
Female Stereotypes and Patriarchal Ideology in Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been - Free Essay Example
The short story Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been by Joyce Carol Oates showcases the female stereotypes and patriarchal ideology of the era through the struggles of the central character Connie. The story is set in the late 50s or early 60s, when topics like feminism, civil rights, sexual freedom, etc. were only just starting to gain momentum in what was still a conservative society. Connie was a naive teenager trying to navigate her way to adulthood in a time when women were still expected to act in a certain way. As a result, she began to rebel, essentially living a double life. Everything about her had two sides to it, one for home and one for anywhere that was not home. (Oates, 287). Connie lacks any type of male guidance in her life. Her father was away at work most of the time, and when he came home he wanted supper and he read the newspaper and he went to bed. He didnt bother talking to them much. (Oates, 287) Connie craves her fathers love and attention, and as a result began looking for male attention and affirmation wherever she could get it. Who they were didnt matter to her. But all the boys fell back and dissolved into a single face that was not even a face, but an idea, a feeling . (Oates, 289) In an attempt to gain some sort of independence, Connie begins leading a double life. When she was home she was an innocent 15 year old, when she went out with her friends it was a different story. She wore a pull-over jersey blouse that looked one way at home and another way when she was away from home (Oates, 287). Connies attempts to act like a mature woman in order to attract male attention outside the home are a direct result of the lack of attention shown to her by her own father. Lack of attention from fathers is a main theme of the story, not only from Connies father, but from the other fathers who drive them to and from the mall. They all fail to provide any type of interest or involvement in their daughters lives (Oates, 288). This causes these young girls to then seek attention from other male figures, making it easy for them to fall prey to a predator like Arnold Friend. On the surface he has all of the qualities that Connie is attracted to in a young male the clothes, the hair, the car, the music. Arnold is described as familiar and similarly dressed like all the rest of them (Oates, 292). Arnolds bad intentions are not immediately clear to Connie, who was never taught about such things by her parents. As the conversation with Arnold progresses, Connie begins to see things a little clearer, and realizes there is something off about him. When it finally becomes clear that Arnold is much older than he lets on, she understands that the situation is much more dangerous than she thought. It is then that Arnold begins his psychological attack on Connie. He begins by telling her things about her family he shouldnt know, like where they are, and what they are eating. He calls himself her lover and begins describing his sexual intentions towards her, throwing her into a panic. (Oates, 294) He threatens to hurt her family is she doesnt come with him. Arnolds friend Ellie even offers to cut the phone line. (Oates, 298) She attempts to phone the police, but has a panic attack. Arnold continues to threaten her family until he convinces her to come outside to him. Thinking she has no choice but to obey, Connie disassociates herself from her own body and mind as she walks toward the end of everything she has ever known. (Oates, 300) American society has long placed men above women, making men the ultimate authority figures. Connie, like most teenage girls, is taught from the beginning the importance of obedience to patriarchy. With a detached father, and lack of any other father type figures, Connie finds herself forced into giving herself over to a rapist and possible killer all because of her struggle to gain attention from an older male figure. As Arnold Friend asks Connie, what else is there for a girl like you but to be sweet and pretty and give in? (Oates, 299)
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Steroids As Dangerous Illegal Substances - 1229 Words
When the name Lance Armstrong is mention what is the first word that comes to mind? Steroids. In early 2013 Lance Armstrong’s face dominated the headlines. Reporters condemned him, public figures shamed him and fans lost faith in this once great athlete. He was a maverick, a man that did everything to safeguard him first place in the tour de France races but ultimately lost his seven fold winner title. When allegation were put forward his response was a product of meticulous rebuttals and elaborate lies. Many of us see steroids as dangerous illegal substances, however, it is clear that a sizeable proportion of people are drawn to steroid in an attempt at success. These unorthodox success-grazed individuals will often use synthetic drugs such as HGH (human growth hormone), anabolic steroids, testosterone boosters or synthol to gain an unfair advantage in a particular sport against natural competitors. Steroids are a relatively new invention and are still undergoing laboratory analysis yet this shows how people will do anything for a yellow jersey, trophy or gold medal. Creatine monohydrate, whey protein isolate and branch-chained amino acids may all sound like substances illegally whipped up in a lab by a bald man with a beard who dubs himself Heisenberg. However, they are all natural and legal substances that have been on the market since the 1950s and help athletes get the right amount of nutrients each day and the right benefits to aid them with their training. ForShow MoreRelatedSteroid Use in Sports1732 Words  | 7 PagesAround an astonishing ten to fifteen percent of professional athletes use illegal steroids which are also known as performance enhancing drugs. These substances which are banned in professional sports aren’t just any type of steroid or drug. They are called anabolic steroids or performance enhancing drugs, and they are synthetically produced substances of male testosterone hormones. The use of these illegal steroids has garnered a lot of publicity within the world of sports over the past few yearsRead MoreStop The D estruction Of The Athletes998 Words  | 4 Pageslaws to forbid the supplements stores for selling illegal anabolic steroids. If this action will be taken, the results will be positive because at first the law will reduce the public access to the steroids and then completely annihilate it. At the moment, every athlete, professional or not, can easily purchase anabolic steroids from local supplement stores or online. According to the Association against Steroid Abuse â€Å" You see them (anabolic steroids) all over the Internet and they pop-up almost everyRead MoreUse of Steroids by Athletes Essay1538 Words  | 7 Pages    A survey was presented to 198 U.S athletes with the following scenario. You are offered a banned performance enhancing substance that comes with two guarantees: 1) You will not be caught. 2). You will win every competition you enter for the next five years and then you will die from the side effects of the substance. Would you take it? More than half the athletes said yes. As we can infer from the above survey, a large number of professional athletes are willing to risk their lives for theRead MoreSteroids Are Legal For Sell1058 Words  | 5 PagesMarcus Bond Mrs. Lawson 12th Grade English 2017 Apr, 19 Steroids are legal to sell In Mexico where steroids are legal. Guess what. Mexico doesn t have a steroid problem. In fact, the issue doesn t even raise an eyebrow. Anyone, including a 15 year-old soccer player, can walk into a pharmacy, go right up to the counter, ask for preloaded ready-jects of Sustanon 250 and Deca, pay his 500-some-odd pesos and walk out, just as if he d purchased pink sugar cookies and a bottle of Gatorade. No problemRead MorePed in Sports1082 Words  | 5 PagesI Introduction Performance-Enhancing Drugs, various substances, chemical agents, or procedures designed to provide an advantage in athletic performance. Performance-enhancing drugs affect the body in different ways, such as enlarging muscles or increasing the blood’s oxygen-carrying capacity. Despite these apparent benefits, the use of such drugs is considered both competitively unethical and medically dangerous. Most performance-enhancing drugs are outlawed by organizations that govern majorRead MoreAthletes And Performance Enhancing Drugs1438 Words  | 6 Pagesathletes who are determined to win at any cost, motivated to experiment with illegal substances even knowing the consequences. Being in sports that require significant strength and endurance my whole life, I have had experience with performance enhancing drugs in the past and currently. I believe the safest way to achieve your goals is to train naturally, but many athletes do not have the patience for that and choose to take subs tances that put their health at risk. In most cases, if an athlete believesRead More The Use of Steroids and Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sports1507 Words  | 7 PagesI have chosen to write my paper on the topic of steroids and performance enhancing substances that are used today in sports. In this paper I hope to focus on the steroids and performance enhancing drugs and how they have become a problem in sports.      An anabolic steroid is a substance that is related to male sex hormones, known as testosterone. The word â€Å"Anabolic†means muscle building. The word â€Å"steroids†is just referred to as a drug name or a class of drug. Some athletes have made the decisionRead MoreAnabolic Steroid Is A Synthetic Hormone That Resembles1694 Words  | 7 PagesAnabolic steroid is a synthetic hormone that resembles testosterone in promoting the growth of muscle. Such hormones are used medicinally to treat some forms of weight loss and illegally by some athletes and others to enhance physical performance, Anabolic refers to muscle-building, and steroids refers to a large group of chemical substances classified by a specific carbon structure. Since their creation in the early 1930’s, steroids have been praised for their effectiveness by users, debated overRead MorePerformance Enhancing Drugs Sports Today1476 Words  | 6 PagesEnhancing Drugs In Sports Tod ay Performance enhancing drugs, or steroids, have long been in the lifestyle of athletes. Many famous athletes like Barry Bonds, Alex Rodriguez, Marion Jones and Lance Armstrong have all confessed to the use of steroids. Celebrities like actor Charlie Sheen and ex Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, have also admitted to using steroids in the past. Performance enhancing drugs are a dangerous form of medicine and are most often used for sports. AlthoughRead MoreShould Steroids Be Illegal For Athletes?900 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"If steroids are illegal for athletes, then why isn’t photoshop illegal for models?†. Documented steroid usage has increased significantly over the past decade, however this paper contends that with the help of medical research, medical surveys and first hand experience, I will demonstrate steroids are not as hazardous as the general public perceives steroids to be. As steroid use continues to be identified in the news, a growing trend in America and all over the world right now seems to be asking
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cbbe Pyramid Essay - 752 Words
CBBE Pyramid Powerful brands create meaningful images in the minds of customers (Keller, 1993). A strong brand image and reputation enhances differentiation and has a positive influence on buying behaviour (Gordon et al., 1993; McEnally and de Chernatony, 1999). A brand is a bundle of functional, economic and psychological benefits for the end-user (Ambler, 1995). Brand equity, as defined by Keller (1993), occurs when a brand is known and has some strong, favourable and unique associations in a consumer’s memory. This reflects in buyers’ willingness to pay a premium for a favoured brand in preference to others (Hutton, 1997). The Customer-Based Brand Equity pyramid (CBBE) of Keller identifies four steps for building a strong brand. In†¦show more content†¦For a long time, the Nike name conjured up heroic images of Jordan, Agassi and Tiger. The swoosh, Nike’s brand logo, made many people feel as if they were champions. That Nike’s reputation has been clouded by a new image – of Asian workers in hot, noisy factories, stitching together shoes for as little as 80 cents a day. Suddenly, Nike doesn’t seem so cool anymore (McCall, 1998). The widespread criticism of the use of sweatshops provoked protests and products boycotts at retail centres and on college campuses nationwide in 1998. The disapproval helped to cause the sneaker giant’s stock price to drop to $31 in September 1998 from $76 seven months earlier (Chen, 2001). The final step in the pyramid constitutes brand relationship, where brand response is converted to create an intense, active loyalty relationship between customers and the brand. Nike is trying their best to get rid of the ‘ Sweatshop’ image by investing in the community and behaving according to the CSR principles. However, the sweatshop practices will probably haunt them for a long time. The consumers have nowadays more faith in this brand and this results in more behavioural loyalty, attitudinal attachment, sense of community and active engagement (Keller, 2001). ReferencesShow MoreRelatedCbbe Model1073 Words  | 5 Pagesachieve this marketing miracle you will need to follow the four steps in the CBBE model. The four steps in the CBBE model are brand identity, brand meaning, brand response, and brand relationships. You must follow these steps to establish brand equity but the CBBE model also depends on six brand building blocks and they are salience, performance, imagery, judgment, feelings, and resonance. These are what are in the brand pyramid. We must understand what the four steps mean. Brand identity is when customersRead MoreCustomer Based Brand Equity Model (CBBE)1276 Words  | 6 PagesCustomer Based Brand Equity Model (CBBE) The CBBE model approaches brand equity from the perspective of the customer – whether customer is an individual or an organization. The CBBE model provides a unique point of view as to what brand equity is and how it should best be built, measured and managed. The power of a brand lies in what customers have learned, felt, seen and heard about the brand as a result of their experiences over time. The big challenge for marketers is to ensure thatRead MoreNike Brand Equity1038 Words  | 5 Pagesand better than the rest. This also is a way for Nike to obtain credibility and quality. With the Air Jordan line, Nike sold over $100 million shoes in the first year (129). Nike’s sources of brand equity hit all the way to the top of the CBBE pyramid for American consumers. Within the first two years alone Nike had 50% of the market share for athletic shoes. Salience is huge with the Nike logo. About 97% of Americans were able to recognize the Nike logo in 2000 (139). Imagery and performanceRead MoreThe Branding Pyramid2838 Words  | 12 PagesThe Branding Pyramid By Jeffrey A. Lupisella One of the many reasons why I love branding and working with our clients is that we get to know a lot of people in a lot of different industries. We spend a lot of time learning intimately about their products and services to help serve them well. And, we enjoy helping them understand what we do as a firm and, more importantly to them, how branding can serve their organizations. In general, we’re a pretty visual (no pun intended) bunch here at VizualRead MoreBuilding Brand Equity1416 Words  | 6 PagesAnalysis Finding In his CBBE framework, Keller identified 6 key elements needed to build brand equity; Brand Salience, Brand Imagery, Brand Performance, Consumer Feelings Judgements and Brand Resonance (appendix 7). From the conducted research this report will ascertain the degree to which HTC satisfies each level of Keller’s model. Brand Identity According to Keller the first step in ‘building a strong brand’ involves creating ‘brand identity’ (Keller, 2001). â€Å"Achieving the right brandRead MoreMan Utd Essay example740 Words  | 3 Pagesinterestingly and have a lot of talented players, so this gives the people catharsis when they watch aggressive and dynamic matches of Man Utd. Thereby getting across this perceived quality to people, they love Man Uted as a brand. **What does Man Utd’s CBBE pyramid look like? 1. Brand Identity: ï ¬ Salience- England premier league football team 2. Brand Meaning ï ¬ Performance- with talented players, excellent performing foot ball team, landed many kinds of championships during long time. ï ¬ Imagery forRead MoreBurger King s Brand Identity Essay1398 Words  | 6 PagesAccording to Keller, â€Å" the basic premise of the Customer-Based Brand Equity (CBBE) model is that the power of a brand lies in what customers have learned, felt, seen and heard about the brand over time, â€Å" (Keller, 2001). The CBBE can be broken down into a pyramid of the consumer experience with the brand. Brand Identity Burger King’s brand identity relies heavily on their signature menu item the Whopper and the brand’s relation to the fast food giant McDonald’s. According to Burger King, â€Å"moreRead MoreMoods of Norway2400 Words  | 10 PagesMoods of Norway case indicated many interesting issues relating to brand management study. In this paper, first, we outline two key challenges that Moods are facing, then analyze the brand based on CBBE pyramid, and finally suggest two marketing programs that the company should invest. 1. Key challenges The first challenge facing Moods of Norway is expanding the business to U.S. This is always a profitable but risky opportunity for every firm, including Moods of Norway. The company with â€Å"freeRead MoreMoods of Norway2409 Words  | 10 PagesMoods of Norway case indicated many interesting issues relating to brand management study. In this paper, first, we outline two key challenges that Moods are facing, then analyze the brand based on CBBE pyramid, and finally suggest two marketing programs that the company should invest. 1. Key challenges The first challenge facing Moods of Norway is expanding the business to U.S. This is always a profitable but risky opportunity for every firm, including Moods of Norway. The company withRead MoreSwarovski Branding Strategies Products1819 Words  | 8 PagesBranding for luxury goods Group G. Members: Truong Anh Bao Nguyen Yunkyung Choo Lilit Nagapetyan CONTENT: 1 History 2 Concept 3 Brand Strategy 4 Marketing Mix 5 Positioning 6 Services 7 Target Consumer 8 CBBE Pyramid 9 SWOT analysis 10 Competitors 11 Recommendation 12 References 1. HISTORY: 1882 Daniel Swarovski (1862-1956) invents a revolutionary machine that allows crystals to be cut more precisely than with existing manual methods
Led Zeppelin Essay Example For Students
Led Zeppelin Essay Led Zeppelin was one of the giants of the 1970s in hard rock. They were also one of the greatest success stories that ever played hard rock music. The group was one the more popular hard rock groups that performed in the seventies, and even had some hits in the 1960s. The members of the group are Jimmy Page, born on April 9, 1944, Robert Plant, born on August 24, 1948, John Paul Jones, born on January 3, 1946, and John Bonham born on May 31, 1948. Jimmy Page played guitar, Robert Plant was the vocalist, John Paul Jones played bass guitar and the keyboard, and John Bonham beat the drums. The group had the complete set up for a band right off the start. They produced their first record in thirty hours to complete their deal with the old Yardbirds. They toured Scandinavia for awhile also to complete their obligations to the Yardbirds. When they first came to the United States they supported Vanilla Fudge. They also played in clubs to start their American popularity. After they played in the clubs they got their first headlining tour and toured again that. They were playing their fifth tour by the March of 1970. Led Zeppelin the record was released by the Atlantic Records in 1969. Shortly after the record was released it was number eight and stayed in the top twenty for six weeks. When the Led Zeppelin II was released, it was Atlantic Records fastest selling album at 100,000 copies a week. They broke their own record in 1975 when Physical Graffiti that sold 500 copies an hour. All of their albums have gone platinum. They were the first group to heavily tour the United States and sporadically tour the rest of the world. This occurred because there was a lack of interest in them Britain. Their success was due to their manager Peter Grant. Peter was able to keep the group moving from place to place and kept the people interested in them. Peter thought that they would work every other year so they would stay in demand. While they were working on their first movie featuring them. This movie was of the group playing their music, which was called, The Song Remains Playing. A representative from their record company called and told Page that the sales of their new album Houses of the Holy was spectacular. The record company told Page that the group, Led Zeppelin, was the biggest selling group in the world and was making the most money at the time. After Page and Plant heard this they were having a moment of triumph because their band was making it big. During this time of popularity that the band was going through, there was a feature on them in the L.A. Times. They were making music for the adolescence age group and they were being looked up at as role models. Led Zeppelins manager Peter Grant was an amazing and brilliant person. Their road manager was also a great person for the band to have because he promoted them as much as possible. By the summer of 1975, Led Zeppelin was the most popular band in the world. They were filling football stadiums across the United States. They also filled the Earls Court, which held 20,000 people for five days in London. It was awesome an show that had an amazing light show, smoke, dry ice, and laser beams. The concerts were focused on Jimmy Page and Robert Plant because they were the main guys in the group. On stage they were opposites and compliments: Plant a golden-ringleted Adonis marvelously parodying the sexual superstar while singing in a voice of limitless power.(www.wysiwyg://14/ Page was a dark, fragile guitarist of immense versatility and command clothed in black velvet and rippling dragons.(www. Presence(1976) and the In Though the Out Door(1979) proved to be the last Led Zeppelin albums that were produced. John Bonham was found dead at the home of Jimmy Page on the 25 of September in 1 980. (www. After this tragic loss the band announced that they could not play any longer. The album entitled Coda was an unreleased set of recordings and out takes which was released in 1982. In the same year, Robert Plant released his own album, which was called, Pictures at Eleven. .u4bacd2885656dd8aedd08b518af052e3 , .u4bacd2885656dd8aedd08b518af052e3 .postImageUrl , .u4bacd2885656dd8aedd08b518af052e3 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u4bacd2885656dd8aedd08b518af052e3 , .u4bacd2885656dd8aedd08b518af052e3:hover , .u4bacd2885656dd8aedd08b518af052e3:visited , .u4bacd2885656dd8aedd08b518af052e3:active { border:0!important; } .u4bacd2885656dd8aedd08b518af052e3 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u4bacd2885656dd8aedd08b518af052e3 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u4bacd2885656dd8aedd08b518af052e3:active , .u4bacd2885656dd8aedd08b518af052e3:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u4bacd2885656dd8aedd08b518af052e3 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u4bacd2885656dd8aedd08b518af052e3 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u4bacd2885656dd8aedd08b518af052e3 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u4bacd2885656dd8aedd08b518af052e3 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u4bacd2885656dd8aedd08b518af052e3:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u4bacd2885656dd8aedd08b518af052e3 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u4bacd2885656dd8aedd08b518af052e3 .u4bacd2885656dd8aedd08b518af052e3-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u4bacd2885656dd8aedd08b518af052e3:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Today It Has Become A Truism To Say That The Mediu EssayEven in to the 1990s the music that was produced in the early days of Led Zeppelin is still being played and loved. The music that they play is very persuasive and as popular as before. Even though they broke up ten years ago you would not know they broke because of the way that they are played on the radio.(www.wysiwyg://39/ Zeppelin was played for their fans and followers. For generations of kids, all they needed were headphones and a decent copy of Led Zeppelin II to keep them occupied. Led Zeppelin had their down times but they also had their good times. People have loved Led Zeppelin for years even todays kids seem to have picked up the ear for listening to the band. Twenty-two years after their formation, the myth still surrounds the group Led Zeppelin. Few people other then Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, and John Paul Jones remember what a truly difficult road Led Zeppelin traveled in their time. Led Zeppelin in my mind is one of the best bands to ever happen to the world.
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
What is truth according to Platos allegory of the cave Essay Example
What is truth according to Platos allegory of the cave? Paper However Antigone disagrees and wants to bury her brother in accordance to the will of the gods. And so she does. There is no right or wrong here, just an opposition of opinion on who is right. The truth they believe in is right according to them. Thus proving in this context that truth is more subjective than objective. Which is the opposite of what Plato was arguing in the allegory of the cave. In my opinion truth according to Plato is the pursuit of truth. Although there are stages to truth and because within the stages there is a final one doesnt necessarily mean that a person needs to stop chasing this truth. We will write a custom essay sample on What is truth according to Platos allegory of the cave? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on What is truth according to Platos allegory of the cave? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on What is truth according to Platos allegory of the cave? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Therefore in conclusion one could argue that the final stage is in fact endless. Truth is enlightenment and thus it should be the philosopher kings duty to spread this truth around to people and teach them of this truth that he knows. It could also be argued that we as human beings do not posses the intelligence to understand what truth actually is therefore if we had a greater capacity to imagine, the truth according to us could be different. We are in a sense seeing truth only as we are capable of doing. Maybe Plato wasnt intelligent enough to give a conclusive judgement on truth and maybe none of us are. But we are able to have our own opinions on what truth is even with our possibly limited capacity. This theory could also be worked around Platos allegory of the cave. But whilst Plato thought that there were human beings that could advance out of the cave, we could as a human race be stuck in the middle with no one in the history of the earth ever advancing further. In conclusion to my research the judgement I have reached when tackling the question of what is truth according to Platos allegory of the cave is; that truth is objective and based up on fact according to him. Although Nietzsche argued that untruth could be better than truth making untruth true to those who benefit from it. Platos argument overlooks this analysis. The stages Plato outlines in his allegory of the cave each a step closer to sunlight meaning that there is a gradual build up to the truth. This is in a sense can be seen as a pursuit. The truth exists according to Plato however it needs to be fought for and desired. And in order to be able to know to desire it a life changing event or the experience of an epiphany needs to happen. What we see in front of us is what he believes to be only partial truth. Only once we exit the cave we can see what truth really is. And it is still disputable to whether anyone in the history of the earth really has stepped out of the cave. Bibliography Amir. Allegory of the Cave An Interpretation n. d. http://www. laney. peralta. edu/apps/comm. asp? Q=30570 (accessed 9 January 2011). Andrew, Edward. Descent to the Cave. The Review of Politics (1983): 510-535. Annas, Julia. An Introduction to Platos Republic. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1981. Ellen, Tedd. Allegory n. d. http://www. tnellen. com/cybereng/lit_terms/allegory. html (accessed 10 January 2011). George A. R. The Epic of Gilgamesh: the Babylonian Epic Poem and Other Texts in Akkadian and Sumerian. London: Penguin Books, 2003. Langan, Sarah. An Analysis and Interpretation of Platos Allegory of the Cave', updated 12 May 2009, http://www. slideshare. net/guest71fae1/an-analysis-and-interpretation-of-platos-allegory-of-the-cave-1416697 (accessed 9 January 2011). Nietzsche, Fredrich Wilhelm, Hollingdale, R. J. Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the future Friedrich Nietzsche. London: Penguin, 2003. Plato Allegory of the Cave, Video Clip, [n. d. ]. www. Youtube. com, http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=K-Mv1kiqo4s (accessed 12 January 2011). Plato. Republic http://www. math. nus. edu. sg/~matlmc/Allegory_cave. pdf n. d. , (accessed 9 January 2011). Reeve, C. D. C. Philosopher-Kings: the Argument of Platos Republic. Princeton N. J. : Princeton University Press, 1988. Sophocles. Antigone. London: Methuen Drama, 2006. Tolstoy, Leo. The Death of Ivan Ilyich. Toronto: Bantham Books, 1981. White, Nicholas P. A Companion to Platos Republic. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company, 1979. 1 Tedd Ellen, Allegory n. d. http://www. tnellen. com/cybereng/lit_terms/allegory. html (accessed 10 January 2011). 2 Plato Allegory of the Cave, Video Clip, [n. d. ], www. Youtube. com, http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=K-Mv1kiqo4s, (accessed 12 January 2011): 1:25-1:38. 3 Plato, Republic http://www. math. nus. edu. sg/~matlmc/Allegory_cave. pdf n. d. , (accessed 9 January 2011): 1 4 Plato Allegory of the Cave, Video Clip, [n. d. ], www. Youtube. com, http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=K-Mv1kiqo4s, (accessed 12 January 2011): 1:25-1:38. 5 Plato, Republic http://www. math. nus. pdf n. d. , (accessed 9 January 2011): 7 6 C. D. C. Reeve, Philosopher-Kings: the Argument of Platos Republic (Princeton N. J. : Princeton University Press, 1988), 51. 7 Ibid. , 51. 8 Nicholas P. White, A Companion to Platos Republic (Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company, 1979). 9 Amir, Allegory of the Cave An Interpretation, n. d. http://www. laney. peralta. edu/apps/comm. asp? Q=30570 (accessed 9 January 2011).10 Leo Tolstoy, The Death of Ivan Ilyich (Toronto: Bantham Books, 1981) 11 James Topham, The Death of Ivan Ilyich Review, n.d. http://classiclit. about. com/od/deathofivanilyichlt/fr/aa_ivanilyich. htm (accessed 13 January 2011). 12 A. R. George, The Epic of Gilgamesh: the Babylonian Epic Poem and Other Texts in Akkadian and Sumerian (London: Penguin Books, 2003) 13 Fredrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, R. J. Hollingdale, Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the future Friedrich Nietzsche (London: Penguin, 2003). 14 Plato, Republic http://www. math. nus. edu. sg/~matlmc/Allegory_cave. pdf n. d. , (accessed 9 January 2011). 15 Ibid. 16 Sophocles, Antigone (London: Methuen Drama, 2006).
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